My name is Nicolas Ochoa (oh · choe · uh ) and I am an aspiring web-developer. Around two years ago I first discovered computer programming through the Python language. Since then, I have resolved to pursue a career in web development.
Through FreeCodeCamp, among various other resources, I have learned and continue to learn about HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, React.js, and Node.js. I love to learn new things, I love to program, and I love to create. I take pride in my work and have a good eye for minor details.
Below, you will find some of my recent projects, as well as my up-to-date contact information.
A "pomodoro-style" timer in which work is divided into intervals separated by short breaks, generally around 25 minutes and 5 minutes, respectively.
HTML CSS jQuery If you would like additional information, please feel free to use the form below (currently unavailable), or send me an email directly at You can also check out my profiles on FreeCodeCamp, Codepen, and Github.